Adèle Gauthier is a local Ottawa artist, who has been painting for forty years. She has a Fine Arts degree from both Ottawa University and British Columbia University. She also studied at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design, the Haliburton School of Art and Design, and the Ottawa School of Art. Gauthier has worked under several mentors including Gordon Smith, Andrea Mossop and Yves Laroque. Oil paint has always been her medium of choice, but at present she is exploring the mysteries of encaustic paint.
“The latin word "pentimento" is "an alteration in a painting, evidenced by traces of previous work, showing that the artist has changed his mind as to the composition during the process of painting". In english it means "to repent". Well, this is what I do all day. I paint something beautiful, then I scratch it off, leaving traces, so that the real truth comes to the surface, well beyond the idea that was originally in my brain.”
Adèle Gauthier est une artiste de la région d'Ottawa. Elle possède un diplôme en Arts Visuels de l’Université d’Ottawa et de l’Université de la Colombie Britannique. Elle a suivi de nombreux cours à l’Université d’Art et de Désign d’Emily Carr, l’École d’Art d’Ottawa et au Collège des Arts de Haliburton. Elle a aussi travaillé avec différents mentors, dont Gordon Smith, Andrea Mossop et Yves Laroque. L’huile a toujours été son médium de choix jusqu’à ce qu’elle découvre l’encaustique et ses propriétés envoûtantes. La nature et la spiritualité sont ses sources premières d’inspiration.