"My Art is me, completely me, without reservation or compromise! It can be loud, colourful, soft, crazy, stimulating, but always full of passion. I love escaping into my art and I love life. I will never have enough time to accomplish all that I want. I'm a sculptor, painter, jeweler, photographer, collage artist, concrete artist and teacher and much more. I am not finished yet because I love to play and my art helps me do that. It makes my heart smile, hopefully yours will smile as well. My passions are sitting on the deck at the cottage and disappearing into a peaceful place. Sharing ice-cream with my best friends or a bottle of champagne with the crazy ones. A beer or a glass of wine with others. I enjoy complimenting a stranger and making them smile! My friends refer to me as crazy or eccentric, but I call that living with a capital 'L'."