Plein air painting has been the main source of inspiration for all of John Alexander Day’s artwork. Whether a cityscape or the countryside, Day has always sought to capture the atmosphere of each location he paints. Whether he paints in North America, Europe, or closer to home, he always seeks to leave the viewer with a sense of being in the place. Witnessing nature first hand, and working right there, gives Day a certain freedom to paint without any preconceived notions. In this way, he is not bound by the formulas that can easily creep into one’s work. Day is especially drawn to the effects of light and atmosphere. An overcast or sunny day, the changing light, the sound of the ocean spray against rock, or the quiet waters of a lake keep him motivated and infuse his practice. In his own way, Day hopes to continue the tradition of making the viewer look again at what might be an ordinary scene, transformed through light and atmosphere.