"I have only recently begun to consider myself a real artist and it was quite a journey getting here. Since the 60's, I have always been creating something -- crocheting, knitting, felting, pottery, gardening, painting etc. My partner at the time used to call me "a dabbler". Though I don't think he meant it as an insult, I always considered that I wasn't really an artist, just a dabbler. But in October 2011, I went to Newfoundland. It was there that I saw the most beautiful rugs that were like paintings, telling a story. I desperately wanted to buy one but when I saw the price tag, I not only realized the value of them but that if I wanted one, I'd have to make it myself. As soon as I got home to Toronto, I googled "rug-hooking teacher" and found one in Scarborough. That was it! There was no stopping me! My teacher, Vivien Thompson, got quite a kick out of my enthusiasm and often chuckled, wide-eyed, while watching my intense, speedy progression. I also took 3 on-line courses with Deanne Fitzpatrick from Nova Scotia, as well as attended one of her workshop in Amherst. This course was called "The Art of Rug Hooking" and it was part of my process of accepting myself as a real artist. Now, after 2 years of hooking, I am having my first art show. So I'm 67 and finally have found my niche. Rug-hooking! I hope you enjoy my pieces as much as I love creating them."